Introduction to Academic Writing and Language

Course Timetable: Hilary term 2025

For Learners without an Oxford University SSO, or who are not members of the University, enrolment information can be found here.

   Mode of Delivery   Duration    Day and Time of classes    Date of first class    Date of final class
 email about late enrolment ONLINE    2-8 (7 weeks) Tuesday 15:00 to 17:00 28 January 11 March
  • Please enrol before your course start date, or email if you have any further questions.

  • To ensure that we have time to set you up with access to our Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas), please make sure you have enrolled and paid no later than five working days before your course starts. 

  • MT = Michaelmas Term (October - December); HT = Hilary Term (January - March); TT = Trinity Term (April-June)

Course overview

This course is designed for international students and other University members, with little or no experience in academic writing, who want to develop their basic knowledge of English syntax and academic writing. It is also designed for those who feel they need to advance their competence in using academic language to perform satisfactorily in their written course work. 

The programme introduces a foundational understanding of the organisation of ideas in common types of academic texts, as well as the skills needed to communicate effectively to the reader. It also looks to develop their competence in the use of the grammar, vocabulary, expressions, style and conventions typically used in academic writing at Oxford. 

Students joining the Online course will access materials and take part in seminars using Oxford’s VLE system, Canvas, and videoconferencing software. 

Learning outcomes

  • Develop essential knowledge of the organisation of ideas in common academic texts (e.g. essays, reports, dissertations, publications) 
  • Improve the organisation and expression of arguments, evidence and stance in writing 
  • Develop essential skills to integrate ideas from the literature into the student’s writing  
  • Use linking words and expressions to communicate effectively with the reader 
  • Develop use of essential academic grammar, vocabulary and style 
  • Avoid the grammatical, vocabulary and stylistic errors common to international students 
  • Receive feedback on their academic writing and advice on how to continue to develop throughout their degree course 

Enrolment Information

For Learners with an Oxford University SSO (Single Sign-On) simply click on the enrol button next to the class that you wish to join. 

For Learners without an Oxford University SSO, or who are not members of the University, once enrolment opens, please email with the following details:

  • Full name
  • Email address and phone number
  • The name of the course you wish to study
  • The start date and time of the course
  • Your connection to Oxford University, if any (to determine course fee)

We will then provisionally enrol you onto the course and send you a link to the Oxford University Online Store for payment. Once payment is received we will confirm your place on the course. Please note that we will be unable to assist you until enrolment has opened, so please do not send us your enrolment details in advance.

Course structure

  • Taught in weeks 2-8 of term
  • Number of classes per week: 1
  • Length of class: 2 hours
  • Individual feedback and one-to-one tutor support is available

Intensive course structure

  • One week intensive course
  • Taught in week 9 of term (Monday - Friday)
  • Number of classes throughout the week: 5
  • Length of class: 2-3 hours
  • Total hours of tuition over the week: 14

Course fees


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